To assist the industry in maintaining and enhancing the excellent management of electrical and mechanical (E&M) installations, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), after collecting valuable professional opinions from industry stakeholders and academia, launched a set of eight Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Best Practices Booklets and Handbooks on E&M installations in 2022. To further encourage the industry to adopt O&M best practices, the EMSD especially organises the “Building O&M Best Practice Award” competition to commend organisations for their outstanding performance in the operation and maintenance of E&M facilities, foster industry collaboration, and continuously improve E&M asset management in the design, construction, operation, maintenance, modification, addition, and replacement of E&M assets in buildings.

Owners, property management companies, facility management companies, and relevant E&M O&M service contractors of all buildings in Hong Kong equipped with 1) heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), 2) electrical, 3) fire service, and 4) lift and escalator installations are welcome to join this competition.

Competition Categories

There are six categories in this competition:

  1. Commercial(Office and Retail Properties)
    • A1:Large Development Projects (total floor area equal to or more than 30 000 m2)
    • A2:Small and Medium Development Projects (total floor area less than 30 000 m2)
  2. Residential (including Residential and Retail Properties)
    • B1:Large Development Projects (total floor area equal to or more than 50 000 m2)
    • B2:Small and Medium Development Projects (total floor area less than 50 000 m2)
  3. Hotels and Hostels
  4. Others (Buildings outside the above categories, such as schools, hospitals, recreational facilities, etc.)


  1. Applications must be made on a building basis.
  2. Participating buildings must be located in Hong Kong and equipped with HVAC, electrical, fire services, and lift and escalator installations.
  3. Only one application is allowed for each building.
  4. Building owners, property management companies, facility management companies, and E&M O&M service contractors can independently or jointly apply in the capacity of an organisation.
  5. Property management companies, facility management companies, and E&M O&M service contractors must obtain the building owners’ prior consent before applying.
  6. Buildings serviced by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund are not allowed to participate in this competition.
  7. Teams shortlisted for the second stage must assist the independent consultant appointed by the organiser in conducting on-site inspections and reporting to the Adjudication Panel; otherwise, their eligibility will be forfeited.
  8. The organiser reserves the right not to present the award if the Adjudication Panel deems that the participating entries do not meet the award criteria.
  9. The decision of the Adjudication Panel is final.

Competition Details

The competition consists of two stages: the first stage involves a preliminary evaluation of the information submitted by the participants, mainly reviewing the O&M practice of four types of E&M installations (electrical, fire service, HVAC, and lift and escalator installations) in relation to the key model framework, as well as emphasising the benefits of the entries in terms of time, cost, energy, and resources savings. Based on the evaluation criteria, the Adjudication Panel will select teams to enter the second stage of the competition; the second stage involves on-site inspections of the shortlisted teams’ participating venues conducted by an independent consultant appointed by the organiser to assess the O&M practice, which will be followed by interviews with the shortlisted teams. Finally, the Adjudication Panel will choose the winners of the awards.

First Stage of the Competition

Participants must complete the online registration form on the competition webpage by 23 September 2024, and upload one of the following types of competition documents via the specific link provided by the organiser by 30 September 2024:

  1. Presentation file (a maximum of 20 PPT slides, font size not smaller than 12pt) with the file size up to 200MB
  2. Word or PDF file (a maximum of 10 pages of A4 paper, font size not smaller than 12pt) with the file size up to 200MB

Second Stage of the Competition

  1. The independent consultant appointed by the organiser will conduct on-site inspections of the shortlisted teams’ participating venues to evaluate the O&M practice(2 to 3 hours); and
  2. Shortlisted teams will attend an interview (approximately 10 to 20 minutes, location to be determined).

Competition Documents Required

Participants must set out O&M examples of their electrical (E), fire service (FS), lift and escalator (LE), and HVAC (AC) installations (four categories in total) based on eight key model framework items in the O&M Best Practices Booklets and Handbooks as follows:

  1. Emergency Preparedness (EP)
  2. Preventive Maintenance Procedures/Standards (PMP)
  3. Corrective Maintenance (CM)
  4. Maintenance Record Management (MRM)
  5. Incident Management (ID)
  6. Environmental and Safety Management (ESM)
  7. Application of Technologies (AoT)
  8. Information Management (IF)

Please refer to the O&M Best Practices Booklets and Handbooks for details.

Participants must tag examples in each entry with the above model framework items and industry codes to demonstrate their relationship. In addition to showcasing the operation of the entry, participants must also demonstrate the benefits of the relevant entry in terms of time, cost, energy, and resources savings, as well as improvements in safety, environment, governance, customer service, etc. The competition documents may include multimedia files, such as photos, videos, and voiceovers, but their total length must not exceed five minutes.

Please refer to the competition document samples for details.


Judging Panel

Ir CHAN Ming-yee Assistant Director (Building Services) of Architectural Services Department, The Government of the HKSAR
Ar Prof Ada FUNG, BBS Chairperson of buildingSMART International - Hong Kong Chapter
Ir Wommy WONG President of Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executive Society
Ir Raymond POON, JP Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, The Government of the HKSAR
Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council
Ir Joe CHOW Vice President of International Facility Management Association – Hong Kong Chapter
Ir Nelson CHIU Chairman of Activities Committee, The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Ltd
Ir Jimmy LI Chairman of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Building Services Division)
Ir Sr Jonathan LEE President of The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management
Mr Stewart LEUNG Chairman of Executive Committee, The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Nature and benefits of the entry (accounting for 80% of the total score; each E&M installation category accounting for 20%)
  2. The submitted entry will be evaluated and graded (general/good/excellent), and the benefits in terms of time, cost, energy, and resources savings, as well as improvements in safety, environment, governance, customer service, etc. will also be scored.

  3. Innovation and Technology (accounting for 20% of the total score)
  4. The submitted entry will be scored based on its creativity, originality, and novelty of relevant technologies.

Please refer to the O&M Best Practices Booklets and Handbooks for details.


There are a Best Practice Award and several Merit Awards for each competition category, as well as an Excellence Award and various Special Awards for the whole competition.

Excellence Award for the Best Practice Presented to the entry with the best overall quality among the Best Practice Award winners.
Best Practice Award (Single Category) One award per category, as the highest accolade in that category.
Merit Award (Single Category) One or more merit awards per category.
Special Awards for Safety Recognising shortlisted entries with outstanding performance in the safety aspect.
Special Awards for ESG Recognising shortlisted entries with outstanding performance in the environmental, social, and governance aspects.
Special Awards for Innovation Recognising shortlisted entries with outstanding performance in the innovation aspect.

Event Schedule

The competition timeline as below:

  • 1 August 2024 (Thursday) Open for application
  • 20 August 2024 (Tuesday) Online briefing session (Completed) * To review the content of briefing session, please contact the Secretariat.
  • 23 September 2024 (Monday) Registration deadline
  • 30 September 2024 (Monday) Submission deadline for competition documents
  • November to December 2024 First stage of evaluation
  • January to April 2025 Second stage of evaluation – On-site inspections
  • April to June 2025 Second stage of evaluation – Interviews
  • July 2025 Awards ceremony


Building O&M Best Practice Award Secretariat
Tel. No.:9375 9416 (Ms SO)
Email Address:[email protected]

Supporting Organisations